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Will Your Job Be Done By A Machine? (Demo)


On May 21, 2015, Quoctrung Bui writs on Planet Money:

Machines can do some surprising things. But what you really want to know is this: Will your job be around in the future?

We have the “definitive” guide.

Bookkeepers have a


chance of being automated.

How do we know this? Some aspects of a job are easier to automate than others. It all depends on the tasks. Look at the orange bars to see how Bookkeepers compare with other professions…

Do you need to come up with clever solutions?

Are you required to personally help others?

Does your job require you to squeeze into small spaces?

Does your job require negotiation?


This is a selection of jobs from the paper. Some jobs were renamed for clarity. Researchers scored jobs on 9 possible traits. Included are the four traits they found to be most important.



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