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Sane Progressive Eviscerates Obama & Clinton on Their Oil Drilling/Wall St Hypocrisy (Demo)

Debbie, the sane progressive, speaks! A must watch and share!

Barack Obama, in what can only be described as a Orwellian ploy, went to the Artic to give a speech on Climate Change. Obama continually pretends he is a Climate Change leader, but his actual policy action and proposals show that this is just so much smoke and mirrors. In the past six months, he has opened the Artic to oil drilling, proposed lifting a thirty year mortatorium on off-shore drilling in the Atlantic, and refuses to put an end to the Keystone Pipeline. Policies that will make available 80% of unrecovered oil/gas resources at a time when Climate Scientist state that 75% of resources NEED TO STAY IN THE GROUND. Hillary Clinton pretends she has no opinion as of yet on Keystone, yet through action/word/deed/and alliances her record clearly indicate that she is very much a supporter of that project and her blog out yesterday on the Huffington Post calling out the revolving door on Wall St, reads as a parody from a woman whose top campaign donors are the Wall St interests she refuses to regulate. Bernie Sanders truly is the only political advocate we have this Presidential election cycle who will seriously address these issues.


Climate Scientists Stating 75% OIl MUST REMAIN IN GROUND

Article with Statement on Obama Policy making 80% of Oil/Gas resources available for drilling:

Obama’s Orwellian Alaska Speech:

Hillary Clinton Keystone Pipeline Position/Sane Progressive Video: (Full links to that story in the video description of this video):

Hillary Clinton Wall St Blog on Hufftington Post:

Hillary Clinton’s Wall St Record:

On Glass Stegall:

On TPP (full links to sources in video description of this video)

Democratic Party Betrayal on TPP:

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