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Democrat's Must Face Party's Betrayal On TPP & Refuse To Support It (Demo)

Debbie, the sane progressive, speaks out on the misrepresentations espoused by the political establishment. A must view and share!

Published on Jul 31, 2015

The Transpacific Partnership is one of the largest betrayals of the American people in modern political history. Barack Obama has openly deceived his supporters of the legislation’s true intent and united with Republicans to advance this corporately written multi-national power grab. Hillary Clinton is actively lying about her past involvement in globally advocating for its passage and her role as Secretary of State in working with the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to develop the text. In order for us to break this system of corporate corruption and free ourselves from its harmful dictates, we have to have the courage to confront it…no matter through whom it manifests. The Transpacific Partnership should be a DEAL BREAKER and democrats need to withdraw their support from EVERY politician who helps to enact it…..regardless of the letter after their name. Time for the courage of our convictions….

Links to the articles:


(the following two linked documents contain extensive linked sources on the issues, click on either of them to source multiple articles from progressive sources to learn more about the TPP and democrats involvement in creating and selling it)





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