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'While The Rest Of The World Burned,' Billionaires Made More Money In 2017 Than Any Other Year In History (Demo)

“The past 30 years have seen far greater wealth creation than the Gilded Age,” the UBS’s annual billionaires report notes. “That period bred generations of families in the U.S. and Europe who went on to influence business, banking, politics, philanthropy, and the arts for more than 100 years.” (Photo: Super Yachts)

On October 26, 2018, Jake Johnson writes on Common Dreams:

During a year in which so much of the world faced deep poverty, the corrosive effects of austerity, and extreme weather caused by the worsening human-caused climate crisis—from devastating hurricanes to deadly wildfires and floods—one class of individuals raked in more money in 2017 than any other year in recorded history: the world’s billionaires.

According to the Swiss bank UBS’s fifth annual billionaires report published on Friday, billionaires across the globe increased their wealth by $1.4 trillion last year—an astonishing 20 percent—bringing their combined wealth to $8.9 trillion.

“The past 30 years have seen far greater wealth creation than the Gilded Age,” the UBS report notes. “That period bred generations of families in the U.S. and Europe who went on to influence business, banking, politics, philanthropy, and the arts for more than 100 years.”

UBS estimates that the world now has a total of 2,158 billionaires, with 179 billionaires created last year. The United States alone is home to 585 billionaires—the most in the world—up from 563 in 2017.

Meanwhile, according to a June report by U.N. Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Philip Alston, 18.5 million Americans live in extreme poverty and “5.3 million live in Third World conditions of absolute poverty.”

A significant percentage of the “newly created” billionaires are hardly the self-made men—and they are overwhelmingly men—of popular lore. According to UBS, 40 of the 179 new billionaires created last year inherited their wealth—a trend that has driven an explosion of wealth inequality over the past several decades.

According to UBS, this trend will continue to accelerate over the next 20 years, given that there are currently 701 billionaires over the age of 70.

“A major wealth transition has begun. Over the past five years (2012–2017), the sum passed by deceased billionaires to beneficiaries has grown by an average of 17 percent each year,” the UBS report concludes. “Over the next two decades we expect a wealth transition of $3.4 trillion worldwide—almost 40 percent of current total billionaire wealth.”

Gary Reber Comments:
The system as it relates to financial mechanisms, the monetary system, and taxes is the problem. The system must be reformed to ensure universal productive capital asset ownership as in EVERY individual citizen an owner.

Both the cause of economic inequality and the solution is our technological advances.

Why are technological advances the cause? Because tectonic shifts in the technologies of production are displacing the need for human labor and at the same time devaluing the worth of labor. Yet labor is the ONLY means to an earned income that the vast majority of people have.

The role of physical productive capital is to do ever more of the work, which produces income. Full employment is not an objective of businesses. Companies strive to keep labor input and other costs at a minimum in order to maximize profits for the owners. They strive to minimize marginal cost, the cost of producing an additional unit of a good, product or service once a business has its fixed costs in place. Reducing marginal costs enables businesses to increase profits, offer goods, products and services at a lower price, or both. Increasingly, new technologies are enabling companies to achieve near-zero cost growth without having to hire people. Thus, private sector job creation in numbers that match the pool of people willing and able to work is constantly being eroded by physical productive capital’s ever increasing role.

Over the past century there has been an ever-accelerating shift to productive capital––which reflects tectonic shifts in the technologies of production. The mixture of labor worker input and capital worker input has been rapidly changing at an exponential rate of increase for over 235 years in step with the Industrial Revolution (starting in 1776) and had even been changing long before that with man’s discovery of the first tools, but at a much slower rate. Up until the close of the nineteenth century, the United States remained a working democracy, with the production of products and services dependent on labor worker input. When the American Industrial Revolution began and subsequent technological advance amplified the productive power of non-human capital, plutocratic finance channeled its ownership into fewer and fewer hands, as we continue to witness today with government by the wealthy evidenced at all levels. People invented tools to reduce toil, enable otherwise impossible production, create new highly automated industries, and significantly change the way in which products and services are produced from labor intensive to capital intensive––the core function of technological invention.

Most changes in the productive capacity of the world since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution can be attributed to technological improvements in our capital assets, and a relatively diminishing proportion to human labor. Capital does not “enhance” labor productivity (labor’s ability to produce economic goods). In fact, the opposite is true. It makes many forms of labor unnecessary.

Why are technological advances the solution? Because productive capital is increasingly the source of the world’s economic growth. Therefore, productive capital should become the source of added property ownership incomes for all, not just for those who are already wealthy capital asset owners. Simply put, if both labor and capital are independent factors of production, and if capital’s proportionate contributions are increasing relative to that of labor, then equality of opportunity and economic justice demands that the right to property (and access to the means of acquiring and possessing property) must in justice be extended to all.

The system of big government and socialistic programs funded by tax extraction and non-asset-based national debt  are not the answer to anything.  The socialistic system almost always results in increased oppression, increased poverty or sameness as EVERY citizen becomes dependent on the State.

As Michael Snyder states on his The Economic Collapse Blog, “What we need is a system that empowers individuals and families to work hard, be creative, build businesses and to take care of themselves.” Yes, but he leaves out the MOST IMPORTANT need, which is to extend equal opportunity to EVERY child, woman, and man to  share individually in the FUTURE wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets of corprations whereby financing new capital formation and transfers of existing assets is accomplished from the bottom-up and without redistributing property rights of the rich and super-rich with regard to their existing assets

Snyder states, “But instead, we have a system where all power and all wealth are increasingly controlled by giant banks and giant corporations that are in turn controlled by the global elite.  The ‘financialization’ of the global economy has turned almost everyone on the planet into ‘debt serfs,’ and the compound interest on all of that debt enables the global elite to constantly increase their giant piles of money.”

Not only has EVERY person become a debt slave, but also a wage slave, and increasingly a welfare and charity slave.  Over the past four decades the total amount of consumer debt in America has gone from about 2.2 trillion dollars to nearly 60 trillion dollars.  As Snyder notes, “many of us work as ‘debt serfs’ our entire lives, and we never even know the names or the faces of those that we are making rich as we slowly pay off our debts.”

Most thinking people should realize that never-ending consumer debt is not a wise situation to put one into. Such consumer debt requires a source of income that is promised to be paid to the owners of the note, credit card, or mortgage.

But there is a good form of debt, which is constantly used by the rich and the super-rich to make themselves richer. It is capital credit, a loan specifically tailored to finance FUTURE investment, repayable out of FUTURE earnings, without the need for “past savings” or the reduction in one’s personal consumption needs and wants. In the business world, physical capital is expected to go on producing income indefinitely with proper maintenance and with restoration in the technical sense through research and development. This is how technological advances occur and develop over time.

What is needed is to reform the system to simultaneously create new wealth-creating, income-producing capital asset formation and broaden its ownership so that increasingly over time more and more citizens will derive financial benefit and second incomes from their expanding diversified wealth-creating, income-producing capital asset portfolios. In this way, we can balance production with consumption––the purpose of production.
This can be achieved with insured, interest-free capital credit loans provided by local banks to EVERY child, woman and man on an annually equal allotted basis, repayable out of FUTURE earnings generated from new capital asset projects, without the need to pledge “past savings” or equities, or reduce one’s consumption level.
The necessary insurance can either be facilitated with private capital credit insurance or a government reinsurance agency (ala the Federal Housing Administration concept).

While other forms of non-asset-based debt is inflationary, commercial capital credit relies on non-inflationary capital asset creation, unlike government expenditures which rely on tax extraction or non-asset-backed debt to redistribute or inject inflationary money into the system.

The socialism practiced today relies on tax extraction and non-asset-based national debt to firstly redistribute monies collected into social welfare programs and second to finance public infrastructure and the military, etc. To the extent that modern “capitalistic” economies redistribute they are practicing socialism. 

For those who are interested in the specifics of the solution see the JUST Third WAY (not the neoliberal Third Way) and the Capital Homestead Act––the purpose of which is to eliminate privilege and provide EQUAL OPPORTUNITY for EVERY child, woman and man to build independent, sustainable financial security and incomes through acquiring ownership in FUTURE wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets financed without the necessity of pledging “past savings” or a reduction in consumption.

The solution eliminates the barriers to ordinary people forming capital themselves in association with others without the necessity for “past savings” or the pledging of equities which only the wealthy ownership class has.

The JUST Third WAY is a radical overhaul of the economic system (i.e., the Federal tax system, Federal Reserve policy, inheritance law, welfare and entitlement system, etc.) that will achieve genuine economic democracy, based on the Platform of the Unite America Party and its links and the proposed Capital Homestead Act. Our Platform is a call for a vision of political economy that can unite the left and the right, based on binary economist Louis Kelso’s ownership-based paradigm. Now is the time to cure America’s political cancer (Crony Capitalism) and restore America to again becoming a model for global citizens in all countries.

For a new vision see http://www.foreconomicjustice.org/?p=12331 and www.facebook.com/uniteamericaparty. Support the Unite America Party Platform, published by The Huffington Post at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gary-reber/platform-of-the-unite-ame_b_5474077.html as well as OpEd News at http://www.opednews.com/articles/Platform-of-the-Unite-Amer-by-Gary-Reber-Party-Leadership_Party-Platforms-DNC_Party-Platforms-GOP-RNC_Party-Politics-Democratic-140630-60.html.

Support the Agenda of The JUST Third WAY Movement (also known as “Economic Personalism”) at http://foreconomicjustice.org/?p=5797, http://www.cesj.org/resources/articles-index/the-just-third-way-basic-principles-of-economic-and-social-justice-by-norman-g-kurland/ and http://www.cesj.org/resources/articles-index/the-just-third-way-a-new-vision-for-providing-hope-justice-and-economic-empowerment/.

Support Monetary Justice at http://capitalhomestead.org/page/monetary-justice.

Support the enactment of the proposed Capital Homestead Act (aka Economic Democracy Act and Economic Empowerment Act) at http://www.cesj.org/learn/capital-homesteading/, http://www.cesj.org/learn/capital-homesteading/capital-homestead-act-a-plan-for-getting-ownership-income-and-power-to-every-citizen/, http://www.cesj.org/learn/capital-homesteading/capital-homestead-act-summary/ and http://www.cesj.org/learn/capital-homesteading/ch-vehicles/. And The Capital Homestead Act brochure, pdf print version at http://www.cesj.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/C-CHAflyer_1018101.pdf and Capital Homestead Accounts (CHAs) at http://www.cesj.org/learn/capital-homesteading/ch-vehicles/capital-homestead-accounts-chas/



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