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America's Second And New Civil War; Slavery For Profit STATES RIGHTS Vs. FEDERAL LAW (Demo)

On May 27, 2012, Evie Litwok writes in ExOffenderNation.com:

“Over 150 years ago, America fought a Civil War over the issues of slavery, states rights vs. federal rights and control of the direction of the United States. The war ended, but the hearts and minds of those men fighting the war never changed. Today, we are facing a “Second” and “New” Civil War based on the very issues fought 150 years ago.”

While I thought the article would focus on the slavery perputated on the American people by a corrupt and rigged economic system that denies prosperity, opportunity, and economic justice for  non- or undercapitalized propertyless citizens, it was about the today’s private and public companies that use the 2.3 million people incarcerated in American prisons for SLAVE labor. This is a very informative article.

The slavery that I am referring to is the slavery of “past” savings that hobbles our economic growth.

Economist John Maynard Keynes, whose Keynesian model is widely taught, falsely presumed that the only way to balance mass productive power with mass purchasing power is through a wage system––ignoring the possibility of democratizing future ownership of labor-displacing productive capital technologies and rising ownership incomes as a market-generated means of eliminating wage slavery, welfare slavery, debt slavery and charity slavery for the 99 percent of humanity. Binary economist Louis Kelso argued that the Keynesian model fails to recognize that “when capital workers [owners] replace labor workers as the major suppliers of goods and services, labor employment alone becomes inadequate because labor’s share of the income arising from production cannot provide the progressively better standard of living that technology is making possible. Labor produces subsistence at best. Capital can produce affluence. To enjoy affluence, all households must engage to an increasing extent in capital work”

The fact is that political democracy is impossible without economic democracy. Those who control money control the laws that foster wage slavery, welfare slavery, debt slavery and charity slavery. These laws can and should be changed by the 99 percent and those among the 1 percent who are committed to a just and economically classless market economy, true equality of opportunity, and a level playing field in the future for 100 percent of Americans. By adopting economic policies and programs that acknowledge every citizen’s right to become a capital worker as well as a labor worker, the result will be an end to perpetual labor servitude and the liberation of people from progressive increments of subsistence toil and compulsive poverty as the 99 percent benefits from the rewards of productive capital-sourced income.


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