On June 18, 2012, Dean Baker writes on Truth-Out.org:
“It is astounding how liberals are so happy to work for the right by implying that conservatives somehow just want to leave markets to themselves whereas the liberals want to bring in the pointy-headed bureaucrats to tell people what they should do. This view is, of course, nonsense. Pick an issue, any issue, and you will almost invariably find the right actively pushing for a big role for government.
“However, for conservatives the goal is not ensuring a decent standard of living for the bulk of the population. Rather the goal is ensuring that money is redistributed upward. And, of course, the conservatives are smart enough not to own up to their use of the government.”
What is astounding to me is how conservative and liberals both overlook the technological change occurring daily before our eyes. This technological change makes tools, machines, structures, and processes ever more productive while leaving human productiveness largely unchanged (our human abilities are limited by physical strength and brain power––and relatively constant). The result is that primary distribution through the free market economy, whose distributive principle is “to each according to his production,” delivers progressively more market-sourced income to productive capital owners and progressively less to workers who make their contribution through labor.
As long as we pursue a ridiculous “full employment’s” false-reality, we will never be able to ensure a decent future standard of living for the bulk of the population, and instead continue to enrich through concentrated ownership of productive capital the top minority of wealth grabbers fostered by government incentives or inaction.