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The American People Are Being Punished Because Republicans Refuse To Pay Their Debts (Demo)


This article was published on March 12, 2013 on Politicus USA.

Americans are being held responsible for Republicans’ debt for two unnecessary wars, costly prescription plan, tax cuts for the rich, and gifts to the oil industry, and to add insult to injury Republicans penalize Americans with spending cuts to give more to people who created the debt in the first place.

Republicans became debt and deficit sensitive in January 2009 just as President Obama was being inaugurated, and they embroiled the entire country, including Democrats, in their single-minded reduce the deficitmission. However, Republicans exempted those who benefitted from the debt of any repayment, and are attempting to rob Americans’ health and retirement accounts, domestic programs, and government services to repay the debt and give more “free stuff” to the debt creators. It is important to note that the people who caused Great Recession were bailed out by taxpayers, and are reaping 93% of the recovery and if Republicans have their way they will give more to those responsible for the Recession.

If Americans understood what Republicans are doing with this debt and deficit hoax, and that they are willing victims of the greatest scam on the people in the nation’s history, they would riot in the streets and dismantle Wall Street brick by brick.

If ordinary Americans want to return to the pristine innocence and economic power diffusion we had in a pre-industrial society, then, in the world of technological “machine” accomplishment, ordinary citizens must gain access to productive capital ownership to improve their economic well-being.


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