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From Middle Class To Peasant Class: How Republicans Made America A Top Poverty Creator (Demo)

On June 20, 2013, Rmuse writes on Politicus.com:

National exceptionalism is when citizens perceive that their home country is extraordinary, special, and the best place on the planet to live, and in many Americans’ minds is based on absolutist ideology and gross lack of knowledge of comparative circumstances. There may have been a time that America was exceptional over thirty years ago when white people had the opportunity to attain the American dream of a middle class income through hard work and perseverance, and could live out their golden years with the knowledge their children would at least accomplish as much as their parents. However, about thirty years ago a b-movie actor ushered in the era of America’s decline when his directors gave him a script to convince ignorant Americans that handing over the nation’s wealth and assets to the rich and their corporations was the key to success and the results have been that America is no longer exceptional, or even mediocre, and is rapidly deteriorating into inferior and second-rate status compared to the rest of the developed world.

While that President, Ronald Reagan, once advocated broadened private, individual ownership to make EVERY citizen an owner in America’s FUTURE wealth-creating, income-generating productive capital assets, he abandoned this goal when he took office as President of the United States. Subsequently further concentration of productive capital ownership has flourished along with tectonic shifts in the technologies of production, which have destroyed jobs and devalued the worth of labor as these shifts continue to do so today.

As with 99.99 percent of national media, this article fails to address the REAL reason the middle class is getting poorer: they are propertyless with ONLY their diminishing labor worth to sell in an era in which tectonic shifts in the technologies of production are destroying and devaluing the worth of labor.

What we need now is a “New Deal” that implements the Capital Homestead Act (http://www.cesj.org/homestead/index.htm and http://www.cesj.org/homestead/summary-cha.htm).

Under Capital Homesteading, basic economic laws and policies would be established to encourage national and regional central banks, corporate and individual income tax authorities, commercial and investment bankers, capital credit insurance and reinsurance companies, industrial and community development planners, legal and enterprise financial advisors, and unions to determine the nation’s annual needs for the quantity of money needed for accelerated rates of sustainable private sector capital growth and asset transfers to provide every citizen personal access to capital credit repayable with the projected future pretax earnings of the acquired capital. As a substitute for collateral required in today’s financial world to cover potential risk of default of borrowing for investment, the new system would cover risk through capital credit insurance financed by the pooling of risk premiums on all borrowed money. Only those who have already accumulated large accumulations of past savings today can provide such collateral. This explains why the rich will automatically accumulate most of the growth capital in the world, unless Capital Homesteading reforms are adopted.

Every man, woman and child from birth to death could be granted periodically (at least annually) an equal allotment of asset-backed and privately insured capital credit repayable with future savings. Such credit would flow through a personal tax-sheltered capital asset accumulation trust or “Capital Homestead Account” established at a local bank. Citizens, supported by licensed advisors, would have informed choices of investing their allotment of capital credit in shares in an enterprise for which a member of the family works, or public utilities, for-profit Citizens Land Banks or Community Land Cooperatives, and other approved categories of commercial, industrial or agricultural enterprises willing to issue full dividend payout shares.

Once the citizen’s offer (in the form of a bill of exchange) to purchase new shares on insured capital credit is scrutinized and the offer accepted by the commercial bank lender, the bank would create asset-backed money for the purchase of the shares. The bank,would create the new asset-backed money by approving a promissory note or establishing a deposit account for the borrower. The bank’s discount rate would cover all bank service charges and the risk premium. Commercial banks would immediately rediscount all Capital Homesteading loans for new currency supplied interest-free (since no past savings would be involved) by the central bank, thereby ensuring an elastic, stable, uniform and private sector asset-backed currency to replace the currencies that in most of the world are backed almost entirely by non-productive government debt.

Growth of the economy would no longer be subject to the slavery of past savings, reflected in the subtitle of the second book by Kelso and Adler. (The New Capitalists: A Proposal to Free Economic Growth from the Slavery of [Past] Savings.) Kelso based his revolutionary “pure credit” approach to financing broad-based capital ownership on the 1935 book by Harold Moulton, then president of Brookings Institution, entitled The Formation of Capital. (CESJ republished Moulton’s book, the Foreword of which is athttp://www.cesj.org/homestead/reforms/moneycredit/formationofcapital_cesj.pdf. Both Kelso-Adler books can be downloaded free athttp://www.cesj.org/publications/freedownloads.html)

Wealthy citizens with large accumulations (who would have the same privilege as non-rich citizens to an equal annual Capital Homestead allotment of capital credit) would be encouraged to spend their savings which would enable the economy to grow even faster or to enable the rich to invest in high risk ventures not eligible for Capital Homestead credit, or to engage in charity and spending for improving the nation’s education and health systems and other investments for the common good.

Dividends on shares financed through Capital Homesteading would be tax deductible at the enterprise level, deferred from personal taxation when used to repay shares held in the purchaser’s tax-sheltered Capital Homestead Account, but taxable when available as consumption income when distributed at the personal level. Thus, the poorest citizen, whether employed or disabled, could continue over their lives to accumulate assets on a tax-deferred basis and over time begin to receive rising capital incomes to supplement consumption incomes from other sources, free and independent from the need for charity or welfare.


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