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Massive Improvements In Productivity Have Not Translated To A Better Standard Of Living (Demo)


On July 30, 2013, ClearStream posted on ExposingTheTruth:

Since the Silicon revolution began we have seen huge increases in productivity, but haven’t you always had the feeling that these improvements have not been trickling down to the population as a whole?

I have been asking myself why? why is it that fifty years ago a single worker could support a family of six in a reasonable home with reasonable hours, and paid holiday? and yet despite all these improvements today for the majority of us raising a family, both parents MUST work just to keep their heads above water.

The descriptive charts that accompany this article nail the problem––the concentration of productive capital ownership. Greed capitalism, or what I have termed for years as “hoggism,” and the all-out concentrated accumulation of productive capital––the non-human means of production––are on display in these charts. Also on display is the reality that 99 percent of the population is propertyless, meaning they do not own productive capital assets. The reason anyone is rich is because they belong to the ownership class, not due to a job per se, except that high-paying jobs allow people to restrict their consumption and use “past savings” to acquire productive capital assets, which in turn grow their income earnings as dividends, interest and capital gains. As such they are the creators of businesses. Businesses whether small or large, or sole proprietors, partnerships, or business corporations are formed to provide products and services at a profit. Their success or failure is dependent on whether or not there are “customers with money.”

Unfortunately, politicians, economists and the media focus on JOB CREATION as the ONLY way to create “customers with money” and provide a source of income for peoples’ livelihood. Yet the demand for people (labor workers who contribute manual, intellectual, creative and entrepreneurial work) is being made less necessary as productive capital is increasingly the source of the world’s economic growth. What should we conclude from this assessment of reality? Well, simply that if both labor and productive capital are interdependent factors of production, and if capital’s proportionate contributions are increasing relative to that of labor, then equality of opportunity and economic justice demands that the right to property (and access to the means of acquiring and possessing property) must in justice be extended to all.

It is the exponential disassociation of production and consumption that is the problem in the United States economy, and the reason that ordinary citizens must gain access to productive capital ownership to improve their economic well-being.

What we really need is a national discussion on the topic of the importance of productive capital ownership and how we can expand the base of private productive capital ownership simultaneously with the creation of new productive capital formation, with the aim of building long-term financial security for all Americans through accumulating a viable income-producing capital estate.

If we are to significantly expand the population of “customers with money” and significantly grow the economy, then the ownership of productive capital must be spread more broadly and simultaneously with the growth, without taking anything away from the 1 to 10 percent of the people who now own 50 to 90 percent of the wealth controlled by businesses. Thus, productive capital income would be distributed more broadly and the demand for products and services would be distributed more broadly from the earnings of capital and result in the sustentation of consumer demand, which will promote economic growth. That also means that society can profitably employ unused productive capacity and invest in more productive capacity to service the demands of a growth economy.

See “Financing Economic Growth With ‘FUTURE SAVINGS’: Solutions To Protect America From Economic Decline” at NationOfChange.org http://www.nationofchange.org/financing-future-economic-growth-future-savings-solutions-protect-america-economic-decline-137450624


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