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Bright Fiscal Forecast For The Short Term? (Demo)


On February 6, 2013, Lisa Mascaro and Christi Parsons write in the Los Angeles Times that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) expects to see the federal deficit at a temporary five-year low. Efforts to further reduce it could slow the recovery.

The federal deficit will dip below $1 trillion for the first time in five years, a substantial improvement in the fiscal outlook, but one that masks a persistent budget gap that will probably worsen later this decade, according to theCongressional Budget Office.

The last two years of budget battles between the White Houseand congressional Republicans, coupled with the recovering economy, have slowed the government’s gush of red ink. But steps to reduce the deficit have acted as a drag on the economy, slowing the recovery, the budget office said. Automatic spending cuts that are scheduled to take effect March 1 would probably chisel further into economic growth this year and cost about 750,000 jobs, the nonpartisan budget experts project.

President Obama called Tuesday for Congress to swap out those cuts, which he helped engineer as part of a 2011 deal with Republicans, for a package that includes higher revenue.

Such a trade could, for the short term, prevent a “damaging” hit to the economy, he said.

By any measure 1.4 percent GDP growth and real employment opportunities are anemic compared to the double-digit growth rates that are required to enable EVERY American to attain an income to support a decent, affluent livelihood and enjoy “the right to life, liberty and property” (“pursuit of happiness” phrase in the Declaration of Independence was interchangeable in those times with the word “property.”)

The CBO report is wishful thinking as long as we continue to ignore the necessity to broaden productive capital ownership and align the demand for consumption goods with the  demand for capital goods using future savings instead of past savings to increase future production. When this framework is implemented and there is no need to restrict consumption in order to save, we can naturally balance production and consumption. Not only will double-digit economic growth be achievable but in addition to broadening ownership of FUTURE productive capital assets “full employment” would result (at least to the extent workers would be needed to build a future physical world to support affluence for EVERY American), and allow us to eliminate deficits and steadily pay down the national debt.

What is needed is a balanced Just Third Way approach to building a FUTURE economy that supports affluence for EVERY American. This requires investment in FUTURE income-producing productive capital assets while simultaneously broadening private, individual ownership of the resulting expansion of existing corporations and future corporations. Not only is employee ownership the norm to be sought wherever there are workers but beyond employee ownership the norm should be to create an OWNERSHIP CULTURE whereby EVERY American can benefit financially by owning a SUPER IRA-TYPE Capital Homestead Account portfolio of income-producing, full-voting, full-dividend payout securities in America’s expanding corporations and those newly created to produce the future products and services needed and wanted by society.

Political and private sector leadership is required to transform the American economic system, especially our terribly flawed money and credit systems, to enable every citizen to become an empowered citizen-owner as a fundamental human right. The social technologies for turning formerly propertyless citizens into participatory and empowered capital owners on pure capital credit repayable with future savings have been successfully proven.

Policies are needed to ensure that where taxpayer monies (whether obtained from tax extraction or debt, as in national debt and deficits) are expended to “stimulate” the private sector (through government subsidies, loan guarantees, grants, and contracts with corporations building infrastructure and economic development, including the military-industrial complex), that stipulations are attached that the financial benefit results in broadened private, individual ownership of the particular companies and that the full earnings of the investments are paid out to their owners.

In order to ensure that the economy operates most efficiently, productive capital must be broadly owned. This is because as technology advances, people cannot produce enough by labor alone to permit them to purchase everything that others produce with their productive capital assets. Logically, if productive capital is doing most of the work of production (the physical aspect of producing products and services), and private property includes the right to receive the income generated by what is owned, as labor becomes less productive (essentially less necessary when replaced or devalued by human-intelligent machines, super-automation, robotics, biobotics, digital computerized operations, etc.) relative to productive capital, people who formerly relied on labor must shift to owning productive capital to carry out the work of production.

A National Right To Capital Ownership Bill that restores the American dream should be advocated by the progressive movement, which addresses the reality of Americans facing job opportunity deterioration and devaluation due to tectonic shifts in the technologies of production.

There is a solution, which will result in double-digit economic growth and simultaneously broaden private, individual ownership so that EVERY American’s income significantly grows, providing the means to support themselves and their families with an affluent lifestyle. The Just Third Way Master Plan for America’s future is published at http://foreconomicjustice.org/?p=5797.

Support the Capital Homestead Act at http://www.cesj.org/homestead/index.htm and http://www.cesj.org/homestead/summary-cha.htm

Sign the Petition at http://signon.org/sign/reform-the-federal-reserve.fb23?source=c.fb&r_by=3904687

We need to reform the Federal Reserve Bank to create new owners of future productive capital investment in businesses simultaneously with the growth of the economy.
The solution to broadening private, individual ownership of America’s future capital wealth requires that the Federal Reserve stop monetizing unproductive debt, including bailouts of banks “too big to fail” and Wall Street derivatives speculators, and begin creating an asset-backed currency that could enable every man, woman and child to establish a Capital Homestead Account or “CHA” (a super-IRA or asset tax-shelter for citizens) at their local bank to acquire a growing dividend-bearing stock portfolio to supplement their incomes from work and all other sources of income. Policies need to insert American citizens into the low or no-interest investment money loop to enable non- and undercapitalized Americans, including the working class and poor, to build wealth and become “customers with money.” The proposed Capital Homestead Act would produce this result.




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