On January 19, 2014, Robert Reich writes on Nation Of Change:
Occasionally David Brooks, who personifies the oxymoron “conservative thinker” better than anyone I know, displays such profound ignorance that a rejoinder is necessary lest his illogic permanently pollute public debate. Such is the case with his New York Times column last Friday, arguing that we should be focusing on the “interrelated social problems of the poor” rather than on inequality, and that the two are fundamentally distinct.
First, when almost all the gains from growth go to the top, as they have for the last thirty years, the middle class doesn’t have the purchasing power necessary for buoyant growth.
Once the middle class has exhausted all its coping mechanisms – wives and mothers surging into paid work (as they did in the 1970s and 1980s), longer working hours (which characterized the 1990s), and deep indebtedness (2002 to 2008) – the inevitable result is fewer jobs and slow growth, as we continue to experience.
Few jobs and slow growth hit the poor especially hard because they’re the first to be fired, last to be hired, and most likely to bear the brunt of declining wages and benefits.
As long as working people are limited by earning income solely through their labor worker wages, they will be left behind by the continued gravitation of economic bounty toward the top 1 percent of the people that the system is rigged to benefit. Working people and the middle class will continue to stagnate, resulting in a stagnated consumer economy.
This intense fear of losing jobs reflects the reality that Americans are, in reality, job serfs. While Americans want the private sector to “behave” and act as responsible producers, as soon as a company threatens to close their operations and relocate elsewhere, they don’t want rules and regulations enforced that might cost them their livelihoods––for they are solely dependent on jobs. Every year, due to tectonic shifts in the technologies of production, a smaller share of working-age and able Americans hold jobs. The necessity of holding a job is so strong that Americans are afraid of change and too cowed to make a ruckus. Yet their ONLY hope to ever achieve an affluent lifestyle is to fight for the right to equal opportunity for every citizen to become a capital owner, and benefit from the income produced by their owning wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets.
There is only one viable hope for creating consumer demand and it is NOT JOBS! The Job is DYING and with it our economy, while capital ownership for the wealthy ownership class is flourishing.
Those who address economic inequality and advocate for economic justice should be sensitive to the systemic barriers in today’s tax laws, Federal Reserve policies and Wall Street financing practices that have enabled the 400 most wealthy Americans to have acquired more ownership of productive capital than the bottom 150 million Americans combined. The ownership gap between the top 1 percent and the bottom 90 percent continues to widen each year. Is it any wonder that a growing number of propertyless voters vote each year for those politicians advocating government programs that provide social insurance benefits through redistributive tax extraction and incurred national debt?
More troubling is that this continued stagnation will further dim the economic hopes of America’s youth, no matter what their education level. The result will have profound long-term consequences for the nation’s economic health and further limit equal earning opportunity and spread income inequality. As the need for labor decreases and the power and leverage of productive capital increases, the gap between labor workers and capital owners will increase, which will result in turmoil and upheaval, if not revolution.
David Brooks and Robert Reich appear to falsely presume that the only way to balance mass productive power with mass purchasing power is through a wage system––ignoring the possibility of democratizing future ownership of labor-displacing productive capital technologies and rising ownership incomes as a market-generated means of eliminating wage slavery, welfare slavery, debt slavery and charity slavery for the 99 percent of humanity. Brooks, Reich and the cadre of conventional one-factor economists that provide supportive analysis fail to see this simple cause and effect relationship. Binary economist Louis Kelso argued that their Keynesian model fails to recognize that “when capital workers (owners) replace labor workers as the major suppliers of goods and services, labor employment alone becomes inadequate because labor’s share of the income arising from production cannot provide the progressively better standard of living that technology is making possible. Labor produces subsistence at best. Capital can produce affluence. To enjoy affluence, all households must engage to an increasing extent in capital work.”
Rather than advocate for broader private sector ownership and full dividend payouts of the earnings of corporations, David Brooks’ and Robert Reich’s focus is on class conflict without realizing that the wealthy are wealthy because they own wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets and the poor are poor because they are effectively propertyless in terms of owing capital assets. The result is policies are enacted that behold the poor and middle class to government dependency supported by redistributive tax extraction and national debt.
Such an obviously narrow and unrealistic mindset is driving America to welfare state status. This mindset permeates the highest levels of academia and every level of education, from the time a child is first exposed to the educational system. In turn, such mis-education of parents and children totally ignores private property ownership of all non-human “means of production” as an increasingly relevant means by which the economy can both grow faster toward general prosperity and every member of society could legitimately earn a decent living in the future with more and more time to engage in what Aristotle called “leisure work,” producing without material compensation “the goods of civilization” and solve problems demanding uniquely human creative capacities and beyond the creative capacity of computers, robots and other “energy slaves that are replacing the need for human “toil” labor.
If you reject broadened individual private sector ownership of the FUTURE then you will remain OWNED and controlled by others as a wage or welfare slave. Wealthy people are wealthy because they OWN, wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets. The reality is that labor input is becoming exponentially less necessary as humans are replaced by increasingly more productive non-human means of production that produce income for its owners. There will always be less and less human labor input as technology advances and non-human means replace the need for human labor.
There is a market-based alternative system that is becoming known as The Just Third Way (http://foreconomicjustice.org/?p=5797). It advocates a “solution” called “The Capital Homestead Act” (http://www.cesj.org/homestead/index.htm andhttp://www.cesj.org/homestead/summary-cha.htm), a 21st century updating of Lincoln’s land-based Homestead Act of 1862. Brooks and Reich and other pundits should carefully study these reforms, none of which violate the property rights of today’s capital owners.
So how about it David Brooks and Robert Reich, why nor advocate for broadened ownership of the FUTURE wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets of corporations growing the economy so that EVERY child, woman and man can benefit as an OWNER and secure a source of income produced by the non-human assets of corporate production? That would result is “A Wonderful Life” for EVERY American by eliminating over time the wide economic inequality that the present system facilitates.