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Fertility Rates Fall, But Global Population Explosion Goes On (Demo)

On July 22, 2012, Kenneth R. Weiss writes in the Los Angeles Times:

The global birthrate has been falling, but with billions of people in their fertile years, the population explosion is far from over.

If we do not shift our focus to broadened ownership creation, then concentrated ownership of non-human productive capital economic growth will continue, and the American middle class will no longer exist. There will be millions more unemployed and underemployed or working at minimum wage at best. Globally, populations are dramatically increasing and will be forced to work for poverty subsistence wages. Our only hope is to stipulate that all future economic growth in the United States be financed in ways that connect our people to the property rights of the earnings generated by the investments, and to reform our business corporation laws to require a full 100 percent payout of profits (dividends) to the owners of the corporations.


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