19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Future Education Skills (Demo)

“The National Science Foundation estimates that 80% of the jobs created in the next decade will require some mastery of technology, math, and science”

While the future holds less promise for universal job employment due to the ever progressing contribution of technological-driven production using superautomation, robotics and computerized operations, the jobs that will will be in demand w…ill “require some mastery of technology, math, and science.” If we don’t rechart our economic policies to broaden private, individual ownership of new productive capital formation, then more troubling is that the continued stagnation of the American economy will further dim the economic hopes of America’s youth, no matter what their education level. The result will have profound long-term consequences for the nation’s economic health and further limit equal earning opportunity and spread income inequality. As the need for labor decreases and the power and leverage of productive capital increases, the gap between labor workers and capital owners will increase, and the conditions will become very frightening and very chaotic.


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