On July 21, 2014, Joseph Thorndike writes in Forbes:
Nick Hanauer is a rich guy with a conscience. Over the last few years, he’s become the poster boy for plutocratic guilt, urging his fellow 1 percenters to get serious about surging inequality. In particular, he’s been a champion for raising taxes on the rich and boosting wages for the working poor.
But Hanauer is no bleeding-heart liberal. In fact, he’s driven by self-interest, not self-loathing. Rich people should be worried about inequality, he insists, not because it’s wrong, but because it’s dangerous.
“If we don’t do something to fix the glaring ineqities in this economy,” he recently declared in an article for Politico, “the pitchforks are going to come for us.” Hanauer is a colorful and compelling guy. Like any good polemicist, he speaks in broad strokes and strong terms. This doesn’t leave him much room for subtlety or nuance. “No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality,” he insists in a typical passage:
“In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.”
Not much wiggle room in that sociohistoric statement. But it’s certainly overstated. Sure, the aristocrats of the ancien régime ended up at the guillotine. But they had a pretty good run before heads started rolling. Revolution may be inevitable, but only if you take a very long view of history. In the United States, inequality has been rising for about 40 years, so the plutocrats can probably slip in a few more rounds of golf before things start to heat up.
But this is nitpicking. Hanauer’s basic point is valid: Inequality does have social and political consequences. And rich people ignore them at their (eventual) peril.
Hanauer is not the first rich guy to have this insight. In fact, he’s only the latest in a long string of “corporate liberals” who have championed redistribution as a way to protect wealth from the forces of envy, privation, and injustice.
Hanauer gives a nod to this history, especially as it played out during the 1930s. Writing of inequality, he declares:
“If we do something about it, if we adjust our policies in the way that, say, Franklin D. Roosevelt did during the Great Depression – so that we help the 99 percent and preempt the revolutionaries and crazies, the ones with the pitchforks – that will be the best thing possible for us rich folks, too. It’s not just that we’ll escape with our lives; it’s that we’ll most certainly get even richer.”
Hanauer’s point is a good one, but it skirts an inconvenient truth: Redistribution has never been popular with the rich, even when it was in their best interest. Those farsighted policies of the New Deal? They were enacted over the vigorous and nearly unanimous opposition of the nation’s economic elite.
Sure, a few liberal business leaders joined FDR’s drive for economic reform. But they were the exception, not the rule, and their numbers – small to begin with – shrunk steadily over the 1930s. FDR might have been saving plutocrats from their own excesses, but increasingly they saw “that man” as a “traitor to his class,” rather than its savior.
I suspect that Hanauer knows all this; I doubt he expects the 1 percent to heed his dire warnings. Historically speaking, rich people are almost never fans of redistribution. As Hanauer himself acknowledges: “The thing about us businesspeople is that we love our customers rich and our employees poor.”
Of course, Hanauer’s central point is that employees are customers, so beggaring the former will necessarily impoverish the latter. Henry Ford famously embraced that argument in the early 20th century (although his enthusiasm for high wages has been overstated and misunderstood. But few business leaders have chosen to follow his lead.
Hanauer is right: Inequality is dangerous, and rich people should get serious about dealing with it. But that doesn’t mean they will. After all, they never have before.
Here is my comment on Nick Hanauer’s piece that appeared in Politico:
Norman Kurland and my colleagues and I at the Center for Economic and Social Justice (www.cesj.org) as well as the Unite America Party see Nick Hanauer’s solution (raising the minimum wage) to closing the income gap would necessarily add to the costs of food and other necessities for poor and middle income Americans and would increase the outsourcing of jobs when higher labor cost are added to U.S.-produced goods and services. The Capital Homestead Act ( http://www.cesj.org/learn/capital-homesteading/capital-homestead-act-a-plan-for-getting-ownership-income-and-power-to-every-citizen/ and http://www.cesj.org/learn/capital-homesteading/capital-homestead-act-summary/ ) would grow the U.S. economy faster in a non-inflationary way, create new private sector jobs, finance new productive capital and provide capital incomes for all Americans from the bottom-up by enabling them to own trillions annually in new capital formation and transfers in current assets . . . without taking private property rights away from billionaires such as Nick Hanauer over their existing assets. Remember the wage system is the cancer. The ownership system is the answer to address the problem Hanauer wants to solve.
If you want to change this gross economic inequality support the Platform of the Unite America Party.
What Hanauer, other billionaires, the Democrats and Republicans and all third party leaders need to advocate is their ability to lead America on a path based on a paradigm shift to an equal opportunity economic democracy.
The JUST Third Way is a radical overhaul of the economic system (i.e., the Federal tax system, Federal Reserve policy, inheritance law, welfare and entitlement system, etc.) that will achieve genuine economic democracy, based on the Platform of the Unite America Party and its links and the proposed Capital Homestead Act. Our Platform is a call for a vision of political economy that can unite the left and the right, based on Louis Kelso’s ownership-based paradigm. Now is the time to cure America’s political cancer (Crony Capitalism) and restore America to again becoming a model for global citizens in all countries.
For a new vision see http://www.foreconomicjustice.org/?p=12331 andwww.facebook.com/uniteamericaparty. Support the Unite America Party Platform, published by The Huffington Post at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gary-reber/platform-of-the-unite-ame_b_5474077.html as well as Nation Of Change at http://www.nationofchange.org/platform-unite-america-party-1402409962 and OpEd News at http://www.opednews.com/articles/Platform-of-the-Unite-Amer-by-Gary-Reber-Party-Leadership_Party-Platforms-DNC_Party-Platforms-GOP-RNC_Party-Politics-Democratic-140630-60.html.