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No More Business As Usual (Demo)

This is an interesting video talk by documentary film director Ross Ashcroft before the Renegade Economists conference in 2012 in reference to his film Four Horsemen at http://www.movie2k.to/Four-Horsemen-watch-movie-2001182.html

This is a MUAR VIEW documentary. The film ignites the debate about how we usher a new economic paradigm into the world which, globally, would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions. Twenty-three international thinkers come together and break their silence about how the world really works and why there is still hope in re-establishing a moral and just society.

We need first steps in the right direction. For this what we need is people whose education is rounded, not just academic, whose judgement is calm and perceptive, whose actions are aligned with good intent, who, when needed are prepared to step up as leaders, even if they are not the leader in terms of position. This places the initiative with groups of individuals who can collectively set the direction and build commitment and momentum toward any shared goal. The two choices are conscious action or reaction. Reaction means countless ad hoc responses to short-term pressures and ultimately a loss of control. Conscious action means assuming stewardship of the world we inhabit.

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