In an address to journalists in Washington, President Obama takes on Republicans’ ‘radical vision,’ calling their budget plan, which Romney endorses, ‘thinly veiled social Darwinism.’
“President Obama shifted sharply toward his reelection campaign Tuesday, criticizing Republicans for trying to “impose a radical vision on our country” that would reward the very rich while slashing programs that benefit the middle class.”
“It is thinly veiled social Darwinism,” Obama said. “It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it.”
The theme here is the Republican platform rewards the top 10 percent of the country––with tax cuts “averaging at least $150,000 for every millionaire,” while all other citizens feel more pain in terms of program cuts that benefit them––refashion Medicare into a voucher-style program and cuts to education and other programs.
Obama’s statement:
“It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it.”,0,1798060.story