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Obama Speech Takes Aim At GOP Mainstream (Demo)


In an address to journalists in Washington, President Obama takes on Republicans’ ‘radical vision,’ calling their budget plan, which Romney endorses, ‘thinly veiled social Darwinism.’

President Obama shifted sharply toward his reelection campaign Tuesday, criticizing Republicans for trying to “impose a radical vision on our country” that would reward the very rich while slashing programs that benefit the middle class.”

“It is thinly veiled social Darwinism,” Obama said. “It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it.”

The theme here is the Republican platform rewards the top 10 percent of the country––with tax cuts “averaging at least $150,000 for every millionaire,” while all other citizens feel more pain in terms of program cuts that benefit them––refashion Medicare into a voucher-style program and cuts to education and other programs.

Obama’s statement:

“It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it.”

 is at the core of our problem as a nation fixated on one-factor economics––the labor worker. The insufficiency of labor worker earnings to purchase increasingly capital-produced products and services gave rise to government programs supported through taxation and redistribution, as well as  labor laws and labor unions designed to coerce higher and higher prices for the same or reduced labor input. With government assistance, unions have gradually converted productive enterprises in the private and public sectors into welfare institutions.
Our leaders instead must adopt a sound strategy that conforms to the economic facts of life. If under free-market conditions, 90 percent of the products and services are produced by the non-human productive capital input, then 90 percent of the earnings of working people must flow to them as earnings of the capital owned by them and the remainder as wages of their labor work. If there are in reality two ways for people to participate in production and earn income, then our leaders must take cognizance of both.
If we continue with the past’s unworkable trickle-down economic policies, government will have to continue to use the coercive power of taxation to redistribute income that is made by people who earn it and give it to those who need it. This results in ever deepening massive debt on local, state, and national government levels, which leads to the citizenry becoming parasites instead of enabling people to become productive in the way that products and services are actually produced.
The economic quality of life for the majority of Americans has trailed far behind the technical capabilities of the economy to produce creature comforts, and even further behind the desires of consumers to live economically better lives. The missing link is that most of those unproduced goods and services can be produced only through the non-human factor of  productive capital, and the people who need them have no opportunity to earn income from capital ownership. Why because the “system” does not promote universal capitalism using “pure credit” or capital credit financing methods to empower ALL Americans to acquire capital and pay for its acquisition out of the future earnings of the investments.
There are many actionable policies that will dramatically impact the market economy and strengthen the middle class in a positive way, while expanding the base of private capital ownership and thus strengthening the way consumers make the money to purchase the products and services made possible by the new capital formation. The result will be to expand production and bring more wealth to the economy, which will provide not only growth in expanded ownership of productive capital but also in expanded employment opportunities as the economy revs up to meet expanded consumer demand. Furthermore, the more broadly real capital is acquired by individuals throughout our society with the earnings of capital, the more we will profitably employ unused capacity and promote economic growth. With greater earnings from capital worker investment, people will be able to support and pay for products resulting from “greener” technologies that today people cannot afford. Such policies are perfectly in tune with the natural incentive of business corporations to broaden ownership so that the market for their products will increase. Such policies will liberate the economy.
This is the platform that both Democratic and Republican leaders should adopt and implement.


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