On May 22, 2013, Americans Against The Tea Party write on www.aattp.org:
Rand Paul says the government should “just apologize” to the tax-dodgers at Apple who are reportedly holding billions in overseas tax-havens as part of a crafty legal scheme to dodge Uncle Sam.
Paul said: I’m offended by a government that convenes a hearing to bully one of America’s greatest success stories. I’m offended by the spectacle of dragging in executives from an American company that is not doing anything illegal. If anyone should be on trial here, it should be Congress. I frankly think the committee should apologize to Apple.
Don’t blame Paul though. He’s deeply concerned about the federal deficit and all of this outrageous spending (for superfluous things like social safety nets for our children and elderly citizens, roads and disaster relief!), just not concerned enough to ask those who can afford it to pay their fair share. Also, don’t blame him for citing Apple as “an American company” even though we all know they outsource much of their production to Chinese workers who routinely attempt, and sometimes succeed, in committing suicide while on the job. Randall is just doing what his corporate handlers tell him to–like a good little would-be presidential candidate should.