Senator Bernie Sanders statement raises the issue of concentrated capital ownership and how do we create an economy that works for EVERY citizen. Now, the task is to lead Sanders to the solution––advocate support for the proposed Capital Homestead Act! Sanders is our best chance to force the discussion to the national level. We need to feed the best ideas to Sanders, the courageous challenger to Hillary Clinton. This would immensely strengthen the Democratic platform and ultimate candidate. Sanders should continue to capture the national media attention all the way to the Democratic primaries and force the national discussion to address the issues and solutions to economic inequality, and open the door to a national debate, which would then allow us to get traction for policies that broaden personal OWNERSHIP of wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets formed as part of the FUTURE growth of the economy.
Support the Capital Homestead Act at…/capital-homestead-act-a-plan-for-get…/ and…/capita…/capital-homestead-act-summary/. See…/uploads/Free/capitalhomesteading-s.pdf.