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This Is The Biggest Problem Facing The World Today: 9 Countries Have Debt-To-GDP Over 300% (Demo)

On February 23, 2015, Tyler Durden writes on Zero Hedge:

If anyone has stopped to ask just why global central banks are in such a rush to create inflation (but only controlled inflation, not runaway hyperinflation… of course when they fail with the “controlled” part the money paradrop is only a matter of time) over the past 5 years, and have printed over $12 trillion in credit-money since Lehman, the bulk of which has ended up in the stock market, and which for the first time ever are about to monetize all global sovereign debt issuance in 2015, the answer is simple, and can be seen on the chart below.

It also shows the biggest problem facing the world today, namely that at least 9 countries have debt/GDP above 300%, and that a whopping 39% countries have debt-to-GDP of over 100%!

We have written on this topic on countless occasions in the past, so we will be brief: either the Fed inflates this debt away, or one can kiss any hope of economic growth goodbye, even if that means even more central bank rate cuts, more QEs everywhere, and stock markets trading at +? while the middle class around the globe disappears and only the 0.001% is left standing.

Finally, those curious just how the world got to this unprecedented and sorry state, this full breakdown courtesy of McKinsey should answer all questions.


Unfortunately, many progressive and Modern Monetary advocates believe that public debt does not matter. But it does and without debt tied to financing asset-based growth, the result is inherently inflationary. Any public debt other than issuing new money for  asset-based growth will put a damper on economic activity, thus  leading the central banks to take more and more desperate actions to fight deflation. What we need is a new currency, which is based on real assets, and real productivity.

As David Stockman states (http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/krugmans-latest-debt-denial-why-his-two-magic-numbers-dont-cut-it/?utm_source=wysija&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Mailing+List+AM+Tuesday), “there is no reason to assume that U.S. real growth will sharply accelerate from the tepid trends of the recent past” unless the system is radically reformed to balance production with consumption and simultaneously create new ownership with EVERY child, woman and man a share owner participant as the economy grows.

The  debate about a fairer tax code and ending the Bush tax cuts relates to what percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) should the federal government spend and what percent of GDP should be collected in taxes. Unfortunately, the current economy is growing at the Congressional Budget Office projected rate of less than 3 percent. This is pitiful, especially in light of the advances in technological production processes that are capable of producing a quality material lifestyle for ALL American citizens. The focus needs to be on growth with a targeted 20 percent growth rate, which would allow the society to maintain promised health care and Social Security commitments to a growing elderly population, stabilize taxes at 15 percent of GDP, and balance the budget. With growth rates well over 6 percent, health care and Social Security benefits could be increased, taxes could be lowered, while achieving a surplus.

The path to such prosperity requires re-charting the financial system to empower ALL citizens to acquire long term viable private, individual ownership portfolios representing full dividend-payout assets of new productive capital (the non-human factor of production embodied in super-automated, robotic and computerized processes that require less labor worker or no labor worker input) and pay for their acquisition out of the future earnings of the productive capital investments financed by credit insured by the Federal Reserve.

The accelerated growth rate, due to the the infusion of credit into productive capital investment, would result in a majority of Americans earning additional income from wages and salaries and dividends, interest, and capital gains from other opportunities created beyond the dividend income payout from the productive capital investments. The accelerated growth rate would produce jobs that pay well and would significantly expand markets due to rising consumer demand, which in turn would generate greater business profits and opportunity for more productive capital investment. Everyone would benefit––rich and poor. There would be lower unemployment (making for the elimination of make-work), higher personal incomes, lower deficits due to greater tax revenues, lower tax rates, and better government services, with every citizen benefiting from a higher standard of living.

Such a path to prosperity would empower ordinary citizens, the majority of which are capitalless, to own a substantial percentage of the future productive capital formation creating the growth of the economy. The GOAL would be to assure that every child, woman and man would be able to accumulate a portfolio of productive capital assets large enough to provide a secure source of income. After a few decades, dividend income from the ownership of productive capital assets would become the primary source of income, though well-paying job opportunities would be plentiful for those who want to work for the satisfaction that can come from employment, whether in business, education, healthcare, science, and government or other self-rewarding contributions to society.

If you want to change this gross economic inequality support the Platform of the Unite America Party.

What our leaders and those in academia need to advocate is their ability to lead America on a path based on a paradigm shift to an equal opportunity economic democracy.

To accomplish this objective, the Federal Reserve System needs to be reformed to act as a purveyor of economic growth.

Influential economists and business leaders, as well as political leaders, should read Harold Moulton’s The Formation Of Capital, in which he argues that it makes no sense to finance new productive capital out of past savings. Instead, economic growth should be financed out of future earnings (savings), and provide that every citizen become an owner. The Federal Reserve, which has been largely responsible for the powerlessness of most American citizens, should set an example for all the central banks in the world.

Chairman Janet Yellen and other members of the Federal Reserve need to wake-up and implement Section 13 paragraph 2, which directs the Federal Reserve to create credit for local banks to make loans where there isn’t enough savings in the system to finance economic growth. We should not destroy the Federal Reserve or make it a political extension of the Treasury Department, but instead reform it so that the American citizens in each of the 12 Federal Reserve Regions become the owners. The result will be that money power will flow from the bottom up, not from the top down––not for consumer credit, not for credit that doesn’t pay for itself or non-productive uses of credit, but for credit for productive uses to expand the economy’s rate of growth.

The JUST Third Way is that paradigm shift. It calls for a radical overhaul of the economic system (i.e., the Federal tax system, Federal Reserve policy, inheritance law, welfare and entitlement system, etc.) that will achieve genuine economic democracy, based on the Platform of the Unite America Party and its links and the proposed Capital Homestead Act. Our Platform is a call for a vision of political economy that can unite the left and the right, based on Louis Kelso’s ownership-based paradigm. Now is the time to cure America’s political cancer (Crony Capitalism) and restore America to again becoming a model for global citizens in all countries.

For a new vision see http://www.foreconomicjustice.org/?p=12331 andwww.facebook.com/uniteamericaparty. Support the Unite America Party Platform, published by The Huffington Post at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gary-reber/platform-of-the-unite-ame_b_5474077.html as well as Nation Of Change at http://www.nationofchange.org/platform-unite-america-party-1402409962 and OpEd News at http://www.opednews.com/articles/Platform-of-the-Unite-Amer-by-Gary-Reber-Party-Leadership_Party-Platforms-DNC_Party-Platforms-GOP-RNC_Party-Politics-Democratic-140630-60.html.

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