Watch this ABC 20/20 report! The lead-in is with President Obama promising jobs in the U.S. by improving our infrastructure. Yet, tax dollars at the state level are at work––for CHINA!!! Much of the work is going to Chinese government-owned contracting firms. The U.S. law actually requires major infrastructure projects to Buy America when the cost difference is reasonable, but state officials in California, New York and Alaska decided to turn down the requirement-tied federal money and instead use state money to hire the Chinese to reduce construction costs but at a cost of lost American jobs and earnings. The rules have to be enforced to benefit American firms and workers.
To reinvigorate “Make It In America” and “Made In America,” the federal and state governments should reward American companies that bring manufacturing back to the United States from abroad, promote manufacturing investment, and incentivize American Made with tax incentives and stimulus contracts, all with the condition that the construction firm employees will share in the ownership benefits generated by the new capital formation projects. Foreign firms should not be permitted to participate in such government-funded projects. The result will be more broadened employee ownership and in-sourcing of jobs created by the new capital formation projects, and make America self-reliant.