On May 31, 2015, the Daily Koz published a MUST VIEW speech by Senator Bernie Sanders:
More than 3,700 people squeezed into a Minneapolis gym to hear presidential candidate SenatorBernie Sanders lay out his campaign agenda. More people were left standing outside. Upon arrival, Sanders said he would like to ask people in the gym to sit down, but there were no more chairs.
Sanders said his campaign had scheduled the Minnesota stop as almost an afterthought – it was on the way to Iowa. But the event which was scheduled to be a gathering for two hundred at a union headquarters quickly drew thousands of RSVPs and was moved to the larger gym at the Minneapolis American Indian Center.
People are calling for “a political revolution in this country,” said Sanders. He said it will take more than him to fight back against the powerful “billionaire class” that runs Washington, D.C. politics and uses its money to get middle class people to vote against their own best interests.
Sanders says the economy is “rigged” to benefit the most wealthy and that has to change so it works for everyone and not just a privileged few.
“Enough is enough, we want that wealth to come back to the working families.”
Sanders called for a federal government jobs program to rebuild the country’s decaying infrastructure. He also wants a higher minimum wage, pay equity for women, guaranteed sick leave and vacation, and free tuition at every college and university in the United States.
Sanders said people need to realize that we are the richest most powerful nation in the world and can afford to do what’s right for its people.
He then turned to the environment, stating unequivocally that science has shown climate change is real, man made, and has devastating consequences. He faulted the Koch brothers and other corporations that fund climate change deniers. ““We are not going to allow them to destroy this planet for their short term profits.
“The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time; it is the great economic issue of our time; it is the great political issue of our time; and we are going deal with that issue. And let me tell this to the billionaire class that today has it all. There is something profoundly wrong when the top .1 of 1 percent OWNS almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. There is something profoundly wrong when 99 percent of all new income generated today goes to the top 1 percent. There is something profoundly wrong when in recent years we have seen a proliferation of millionaires and billionaires while the average American is working long hours for lower wages and we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on earth/ There is something profoundly when one family in this country OWNS as much wealth as the bottom 130 million Americans. This grotesque level of income and wealth inequality is bad economics; it is unsustainable; and this is the type of rigged economy that America is not supposed to be about. This has got to change.”
We need to come together and demand that WE, all Americans, OWN the FUTURE and put a STOP to the political/economic system rigged by the oligarchy that now OWNS America and who will OWN the future if we do not reform the system.
OWN the Future or Be Owned!!