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Welcome to 'BoomTown': Washington, D.C. (Demo)

On January 26, 2013, Fox News broadcast a Hannity Special on BoomTown.

The reality is that both the Republicans and Democrats are guilty of extracting and transferring wealth through taxation and national debt obligations to enrich themselves and their political support special interests.

While I am not a Fox News supporter, the network has doen an excellent job at describing this problem in a special edition of the Hannity Show “Welcome To ‘BoomTown’ Washington, D.C., (http://news.yahoo.com/video/welcome-boomtown-washington-d-c-024536776.html). The bi-partisan special raises the question: Who’s getting rich off your money? But, not surprising, solutions are not put forth.

Washington controls the money flowing throughout the nation. BIG MONEY and influence are the prime movers of the economy. While politicians and the national media, as well as academia, advocates JOBS CREATION, this is a diversion as the people remain oblivious to how people become wealthy. Their interest and business model is bigger government based on tax receipts and borrowing. In the meantime, globalization propelled by slave labor and tectonic shifts in the technologies of production are destroying and devaluing jobs, with Americans experiencing decreasing income and economic insecurity, increasingly dependent on government welfare, open and concealed.

The solution is not a focus on JOB CREATION but a focus on OWNERSHIP CREATION. There is a solution. The Just Third Way Master Plan for America’s future is published athttp://foreconomicjustice.org/?p=5797.

The fundamental economic solution is to create income for EVERY American by simultaneously broadening private, individual ownership of FUTURE productive capital economic growth and fully paying the profit dividends to the new American owners of the income-producing capital assets of our corporations.

Support the Capital Homestead Act athttp://www.cesj.org/homestead/index.htm andhttp://www.cesj.org/homestead/summary-cha.htm

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